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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2022

Are mermaids real or not? Truth about mermaids

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The stories about mermaids most people only meet in movies. So are mermaids really real? Let's explore this interesting topic with us! 1. Who is the mermaid? Mermaids and stories about the sea are always interesting topics that attract the attention of readers. Although there have been many movies or books written about mermaids, whether mermaids are real or not is still a mystery. Image: The beautiful princess Ariel The mermaid, also known as the mermaid, is an animal that often appears in myths. Notably, a mermaid is a woman with half a human body, while the lower half has no legs but in return has a fish-like tail. She also has blue skin and long green hair. Mermaids live in the seas. The people of the town of Kiryat Yam in Israel in 2009 spread rumors about the appearance of "mermaids" on the beach, with a clear tail. 2. Are mermaids real or not? Are mermaids real or not? Until now, researchers are still trying to find out whether mermaids really exist as stories are...

25 Best Easter egg coloring pages for kids

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  The image of an egg has become extremely familiar to any child. Because from a very young age, the baby is often given eggs by his mother to supplement nutrients for the body to grow healthy and smart. If there are drawings of eggs for children to color and naughty, they will surely be very happy and open up a lot of unique and new ideas for the egg drawings that children often see. Parents, please download and print the Easter Egg Mandala coloring picture set that we introduce below to let your baby practice coloring at home, helping them have more fun learning options and improve their understanding. Learn about animal eggs through the pictures in the article. The difficulty of the pictures will increase gradually, so they are very suitable for children who like to be creative and have diligence. =>>> Follow the Top 25 best Easter egg coloring pages for your kids Awesome Easter Egg Mandala Easter Bunny Holding Balloon Mandala Easter Egg Mandala Flower in Easter Manda...